ALKMIE - 林地大豆蠟燭
林地大豆蠟燭是以天然純素製作的大豆蠟燭。100% 由大豆蠟製成。 讓松樹、冷杉和橡樹苔蘚的森林香味瀰漫您的生活空間,讓您的感官沉浸其中,開始一段內心之旅。
100% soy wax, cotton, unbleached wick, vegan fragrance composition: sandalwood, cashmere and vanilla, allergens: linalool, limonene, hexyl cinnamic aldehyde, benzyl alcohol
◉ 蠟燭從頭到尾都是手工製作的,包括將標籤貼在罐上。
◉ 我們所選的生態大豆蠟可在室內使用 - 與一般的石蠟蠟燭不同,不會將有害物質釋放到空氣中。
◉ 具有比石蠟較低的熔點——點燃時間可長達 3 倍。
◉ 以純素材料精心製作,不經任何動物測試。更獲得國際IFRA安全證書。
◉ 希望您最喜愛的香水能以最自然的方式陪伴您的日常生活。當擰開蠟燭蓋並在點燃它的最初幾分鐘時,氣味是明顯的。 30-40分鐘後,您會感受到香氣的中調,當完全加熱時,會感受到基調的芳香。
◉ 精選最高品質的天然棉芯,因為我們知道它與優質大豆蠟一樣重要。不經漂白,因此沒有煙霧,可確保每次點燃蠟燭時都能獲得最乾淨的照明。也沒有用合成物質打底,不含紙或鉛芯。
◉ 用於生產每支蠟燭的都是天然大豆蠟,100% 可生物降解,對兒童、孕婦和動物是安全的。
◉ 只採用使用一種蠟 - 大豆蠟,不添加任何其他蠟或油來增強照明和調節氣味。
◉ 蠟燭的總點亮時間為 40 小時
Lighting Ritual
1. Your new candle should only be lit when it’s at room temperature - remember this when you bring it home for the first time.
2. The first lighting of a candle is essential for its continued maintenance. It should last at least 2-3 hours. It is very important that the wax evenly melts at the edges of the glass vessel. Thanks to this, there will be no tunnel and the candle will last longer, providing a beautiful fragrance all the time.
3. Choose a suitable place where the candle will be lit. The surface should be flat, stable and not subject to drafts. While a candle is lit, it cannot be moved.
4. During the further use of the candle, it should be burned at least as much as to cover the entire surface of the candle with the wax each time, but not longer than 4 hours. The total lighting time of the candle is 40 hours.
5. Before lighting a candle, make sure that the wick is not too long. Thanks to its shortening to a maximum of 0.5 cm, we ensure a beautiful and calm flame. The wick can only be shortened when the wax is cold.
6. To keep the wax around the wick clean, instead of blowing it off, we suggest putting out the flame with a candle snuffer. Let it rest before lighting it again.
7. Store the candle tightly closed, away from direct sunlight, which could discolour and deform the wax.
ALKMIE 是新一代的護膚品牌。我們從一開始就遵循伴隨我們品牌的價值觀以創造新產品:先進配方、最高品質和高濃度的獨特成分。 歡迎來到 ALKMIE 的奇妙世界!